Intelligent Systems for successful business

WOOKNOWS is IT plus Business Intelligence.


IT-Consulting from WOOKNOWS means:

  • Concept development for individual IT solutions
  • Project management and project implementation
  • Development of digital business models

We implement for you what we have already implemented ourselves. Because our competence results from our own experience, from our own projects.

Measure the result of our work by how well it fits into your business. IT with WOOKNOWS is a profitable support for you and your employees.

We have grown with our own challenges. Let us take on yours and grow together!

Our Skills


If you have ideas or need ideas, we are here for you! Let us be part of your “creative team” and explore the possibilities together.

Project management

If ideas are to be realized, we help with their implementation. We manage your project team professionally and support you with our own programming team if desired.

Digital business models

What always worked well offline may work differently online. Or completely new business models can be developed with the online possibilities. We advise you.

Your data intelligible

What is data worth if nobody understands it? We map information from databases, processes or artificial intelligence so that you can work with it and take decisions efficiently.

Sales Support Tools

Selling products and services online that require explanation is difficult. We make your offers easy to understand, creating an experience for the user. This is how you increase your online turnover.


You do not only want a shop, but you also want to be found? We bring your offer online and help you to set up the first campaigns.


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